
“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
A firm believer of the infinite human potential, Aseema’s journey of unveiling it began. What started with only questions, lead to the journey of self-discovery, spirituality and excellence. As she continued her journey, she met many masters, some spiritual, some worldly. Each one of them helped her evolve. At one point, she almost took to asceticism but one master taught her the importance of life and thus she realized that this world doesn’t have to be negated but has to be affirmed. She took a U-turn back to LIFE and applied the principles that she learnt in her beautiful journey to create peace, harmony and success in her own life. Having worked as a designer and marketer, she realized she wanted to do more – Design lives!!! She did her NLP and realized that it’s a powerful tool for transformation. Thus, she decided to spread the knowledge and help others create a beautiful life for themselves and realize their true potential. Imagine a world where people are “aware”, aware of their capabilities and potential to achieve anything in life. This driving passion gave birth to a life coach.
Thus began her mission “to empower and help people realize their potential”. Come join the journey!!!